Dátum a čas akcie: 05.11.2024 - 19:00
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Znich naživo v Košiciach!

Pridajte sa k nám 5. novembra 2024 v klube Collosseum na mocný večer etnického black metalu! Pripravte sa na nezabudnuteľný zážitok, ktorý vás prenesie do sveta prastarých legiend a temných rituálov.

Skupina Znich zasiahne temnými zvukmi, ktoré prebudia zabudnuté sily. Na rozohriatie sa s nami predstavia Zeb Disdain z Holandska, hrajúci death metal. Príďte, ak máte odvahu, a objavte tajomstvá, ktoré sa skrývajú v tónoch!

ZNICH ; If black metal is about resistance and rebellion, then surely Znich is more black metal than most other bands in the world. Setting up in 1996, in Belarus' capital Minsk, Znich had every obstacle ahead of them. The scene, which Znich would one day be a pillar of, didn't exist yet and though the Iron Curtain was firmly opened in most of Europe, Belarus was and would continue to suffer until this day. But when there's will and there's talent, there is a way and Znich ended up spearheading the Belarussian pagan black metal scene. Their charismatic leader, Ales Tabolich, formed the band in order to express a very earthy and dark
take on black metal that draws heavily on the area's pagan and slavic traditions. From the very start, the poetic and epic nature of the band's music always resonated with crowds across Europe. After all, 28 years of support and a
critical track record that speaks for itself don't come easy.

ZEN DISDAIN ; was started as a studio project, the idea was to write some sort of dark metal
without being tied to any particular subgenre of metal. With heavy emphasis on the powerful
vocals, and intricate drum parts, Zen Disdain was created by masterminds of symphonic
extreme metal band Esperoza, and then joined forces with musicians from Prickrott,
Endymæria, and Rotting Remains

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